Environmental Services team
The Division of Substance Use Prevention and Harm Reduction recognizes that substance use does not occur in a vacuum—it also affects the neighborhoods in which the public sale and use of drugs occur. SUPHR’s Environmental Services team seeks to support the Philadelphia community through the Project Reach and Public Bathroom Initiative programs. The Project Reach team manages a harm reduction sanitation program to remove discarded syringes from communities, this includes community clean-ups and several public needle drop-boxes. The Public Bathroom Initiative works to remove human waste and expand access to public restrooms. Both teams integrate harm reduction into their work and engage community members, distribute harm reduction supplies, and help connect individuals to services. Learn more about their work below!
Need help? See Support & Services to learn how to report discarded syringes, request wall-mounted syringe drop boxes, and/or training and education on the safe disposal of syringes to prevent accidental needle-stick injuries.
Project Reach
Project Reach is a harm reduction-focused sanitation program that specializes in environmental cleanups in communities impacted by substance use. It also manages a same-day-pay program to promote clean streets and provide low-barrier employment opportunities for people in the Kensington community. Our Environmental Specialists focus on the removal of discarded syringes and other drug-related litter, as well as general trash. They also distribute naloxone (Narcan) and Fentanyl Test Strips, harm reduction educational materials, and help make referrals to services. In 2021, Project Reach filled 7,600 bags of trash.
Block2Block (B2B) Same Day Pay Program is a sanitation program focused on improving the quality of life in residential communities and recreational spaces impacted by the overdose crisis in Kensington. B2B contributes to extensive efforts that reduce community blight in neighborhoods most affected by substance use. B2B employs community members, compensated at $50 per day for a maximum of 12 days per year, to assist in cleanup efforts, such as safe trash and syringe disposal. They also engage with other community members about substance use, harm reduction and how they can continue clean-up efforts on their block. Community members are trained to use Naloxone (Narcan) and fentanyl test strips and help distribute those in neighborhoods.
The B2B staff includes two certified recovery specialists who connect individuals with employment, housing, food, treatment, and healthcare.
B2B hopes to set an example for other residents and community organizations in Kensington and surrounding communities.
Interested in making a difference in your neighborhood and working with B2B? Contact us by text at 267-764-9985 or leave a voicemail message. Your message will be returned in time for you to register and meet enrollment requirements.
To promote a clean and safe community, we have installed several freestanding needle drop-boxes in Kensington and adjacent neighborhoods. These boxes are conveniently placed near SEPTA stations and available 24/7 for anyone to safely dispose of needles. In 2021, Project Reach collected over 55,000 needles.
Needles/Sharps disposal box locations
Public Restroom Initiative (Philly Phlush)
Philadelphians do not have sufficient access to public restrooms. This has historically contributed to public health crises, including the 2019 Hepatitis A outbreak, and a general burden on the public. Some Center City businesses allow restroom use without purchases; however, these requests are subjected to stigma and profiling, and are limited by business hours. This has resulted in the accumulation of feces on city streets, specifically in Kensington. Public Restroom Specialists address biohazard concerns related to human waste and work to expand access to public restrooms. To combat this waste burden, SUPHR worked with senior leadership and City stakeholders over the last few years to develop and install free public bathrooms. We found a model that fit our infrastructure, which is based on the Portland Loo design, gathered data, talked to residents, and distributed a survey to include Philadelphians in the naming process.
As a result, two ADA accessible restrooms, named Philly Phlush, are now available for public use. One is located at Fotterall Square in North Philly and open Monday - Friday 8am-10pm and Saturday and Sunday 8am-11pm. The other is located at 15th and Arch in Center City across from Love Park and open Monday - Friday 10-9 and Saturday and Sunday 10-10. The restrooms will unlock at their dedicated hours and be cleaned multiple times daily. Naloxone is available in a cabinet outside of the restroom.
These two restrooms are the first in a six public restroom pilot project. A third structure will be installed fall of 2024 in West Philly’s Clark Park and three others installed in different locations in 2025. Porta potties are still available in front of Prevention Point in Kensington.
2913 Kensington Avenue (on the corner of Monmouth Street)
Monday–Friday 8am–4pm
Center City:
On the corner of 15th and Arch, across from Love Park, on the wall outside of the Municipal Services Building
Monday - Friday 8am-10pm and Saturday and Sunday 8am-11pm
North Philly:
In the center of the park, follow the pathway
Monday - Friday 10am-9pm and Saturday and Sunday 10am-10pm
Our Public Restroom Specialists focus on maintaining these facilities, removing biohazards, and improving access to public restrooms. They also engage community members, distribute harm-reduction supplies, and help connect individuals to services. For more information and updates on the restrooms, visit the restroom’s blog.
Meet the team
Cristina Laboy
Andre Davis
Andre (he/him) started his role as a part of the environmental team in May 2022 where he has been able to gain and maintain partnerships engage in the community and work in a diverse environment. He has assisted in the coordination of community events and helped implement the city’s public restroom program where he constantly advocates for the vulnerable population here in Philadelphia.
Andrew Cepeda
Andrew (he/him) was born and raised in North Philadelphia and comes with a professional background working in various fields, i.e., retail (customer services) carpentry, painting, electrical, roofing, plumbing and cemetery work as a headstone installer. Andrew once took from and played a part in destroying the community he lived in and now he has the opportunity give back. Andrew also has experienced life's hardships which will allow him to share those experiences, strengths and hope with our team and the community we serve.
Jason Whittle
Jason (he/him) started his work in harm reduction at Prevention Point Philadelphia. He started as a Bus Driver/Overdose Prevention Specialist with the Mobile Overdose Surge Bus and gradually began doing outreach, naloxone (Narcan) trainings, assisting in the MOUD (Medication for Opioid Use Disorder) program, and working on the mobile syringe exchange program. In September of 2021, Jason began his new position as a Public Restroom Specialist with SUPHR. Jason maintains the public restrooms (porta potties) by restocking them with bathroom supplies, naloxone, and ensuring the restrooms are clean and disinfected for public use. As a Public Restroom Specialist, Jason does outreach and connects to folks experiencing homelessness or those with substance use disorders (SUD). Jason and his partner also advocated for access to public restrooms in other parts of the city. In April of 2021, Jason transferred over to the Project Reach B2B Program. Project Reach B2B is a harm reduction sanitation program focused on improving the quality of life in Kensington. B2B volunteers consist of community and residential members in Kensington most affected by the city’s overdose crisis. As a Certified Recovery Specialist, Jason uses his lived experiences to work with volunteers who are mostly unhoused or experiencing SUD. Jason has connected volunteers to needed resources, i.e., detox, MOUD, food clothing, wound care, and employment referrals.